Monday, November 19, 2007

Photo Caption Contest

Here is a photo sent to me by Kevin Mercer of Louisville, Kentucky. This is apparently how he collects pet fees.

It's a great photo, and it's just dying to have a great caption.

Here's the deal: Use the "comment" button to post the funniest caption you can. The best caption will win a copy of Mike Butler's Landlording on Autopilot, an actual, real-live book sold through Amazon and everywhere else. The contest will end on December 19, 2007. The winner will be decided by me, Super Dave. (No whining if you disagree with the judge's decision.) Just a reminder...keep it clean.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Grand Opening..Things My Tenants Taught Me

Welcome to "Things My Tenants Taught Me". This is a new blog site for landlords and property managers to sound off with their stories about the fun and games their tenants play. Just about everyone who has rental property has a good story or two that will make interesting reading for everyone else. All I ask is that you keep it clean, and try to keep it on the "light" side. Funny stuff is encouraged. Your post can be a pithy sentence or a paragraph. Anyone can post here, anyone can read.

Here are some photos to get you in the right frame of mind:

Tenant Hot Tub Party #1

Tenant Hot Tub Party #2

Tenant Hot Tub Party #3

We'll have a Prize of the Month for the funniest post. This month's prize will be Mike Butler's Landlording on Autopilot, a real book (not an e-book), that is available on and real book stores. The judge is me, and all decisions are final, etc. The contest ends on December 19, 2007.

Here we go. When you write your comment/story, maybe try to begin with the phrase "My tenant taught me...", or whatever. And let if go from there.